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Hastelloy Nozzle
Ejectors & Vacuum Pumps
Graphite steam & water jet ejectors are used in various industries due to its simple static design and very cost-effective solution for vacuum generation. They are considered as an alternative to lined mechanical vacuum pumps which require huge upfront investment with several maintenance and operational costs. Multi-stage steam jet ejectors are used to remove gas molecules from a volume in order to leave behind a partial vacuum. They are a reliable alternative to vacuum pumps. We offer graphite single and multi-stages steam jet ejectors for applications where highly corrosive vapors are involved.
Hexacarb Engineers designs and manufactures graphite steam ejectors as per customer's requirement. Multi- stage ejector system is used to attain vacuum levels as low as 0.1mbar using 4-stage ejector system with intermediate series condenser of varying capacities.
We offer highly customized solutions in ejector systems as per requirement. Know more about construction and design code...
Product Sheet
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